Gratitude: Curated Resources October 31, 2018 06:40


The Comparison Trap by Rebecca Webber

"You know those people who have more than you—money, acclaim, looks, whatever? The spike of envy they trigger is natural, and social media is primed to amp it up. But in a world where followers and likes can seem like rock-solid proof of a person's worth, you don't have to take the bait." 

A Theory of Social Comparison Processes by Leon Festinger

A deep dive into Social Comparison Theory! Read how they conducted their research and what we've learned about how we make comparisons (which is maybe more relevant than ever). 

Gratitude Works!: A Twenty-One-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity by Dr. Robert Emmons

A purposeful guide for cultivating gratitude as a way of lifeRecent dramatic advances in our understanding of gratitude have changed the question from 'Does gratitude work?' to 'How do we get more of it?'

Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier

"The first major study of gratitude that shows how "wanting what we have" can measurably change people's lives." This book is a great crash-course into the power of gratitude and the multiple ways we can incorporate it into our daily lives.

The hedonic treadmill, gratitude, and the New York Society Library

In this month's Gratitude Guide, we introduce the concept of the hedonic treadmill, or our tendency to adapt and get used to our life changes and particular circumstances regardless of positive, negative, or new they are. In this essay, Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, considers this topic and how it has played out in her own life. 

How Gratitude Leads to a Happier Life By Melanie Greenberg Ph.D.

This article extols the science-backed virtues of gratitude practices, and provides some practical way to cultivate an attitude of gratitude!

Ode to My Socks by Pablo Neruda 

You may be thinking this is an unconventional choice, but trust us and take a moment to read this sweet poem expressing appreciation and adoration for something most of us have but don't give all that much thought to the magic of. 

On Joy and Gratitude with Oprah and Dr. Brené Brown

Joy is an emotion we all seek, but, Dr. Brené Brown and Oprah Winfrey agree that it's inextricable from gratitude. Find out why we're so afraid our joy will be taken away, and how developing our tolerance for vulnerability is key to being both grateful and happy.

In Praise of Gratitude a Harvard Mental Health Letter

"Expressing thanks may be one of the simplest ways to feel better," begins this post from the Harvard Medical School. A clear and concise exploration of the psychological benefits of expressing gratitude with a few recommendations on how to incorporate a practice of gratitude into your life. 


Anatomy of Gratitude with Krista Tippett and Brother David Steindl-Rast 

"When you are in practice, a split second is enough to stop. And then you look. What is, now, the opportunity of this given moment? Only this moment, the unique opportunity this moment gives?" We are huge fans of Krista Tippet's podcast On Being, wherein she consistently has some of the most beautiful, wisdom-filled conversations we've ever heard — and this one is no exception. Her interview with Brother David Steindl-Rast is a must-listen, and something to revisit any time you lose sight of your ability to feel gratitude — as he says, not for everything but in every moment. 


A quick tip for making your gratitude practice more meaningful. 

A sweet, short, moving video from our friends at The School of Life that reminds us how truly fortunate we are even in our most challenging moments. 


What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Biochemist turned Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard says we can train our minds in habits of well-being, to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment.