Happy Checkout App Updated November 25, 2015 08:00

Shopify has recently made some changes to the way the “Thank You” page is displayed for shops once an order is completed to provide some new information to your customers on order tracking. This is a great improvement for your customers, and it also allowed us to do some cool new things with our Happy Checkout app for customizing the thank you page.

We’ve updated most of the app’s widgets to add some new features, along with the way modules are added to the thank you page to be consistent with the new Shopify changes. This also allowed us to update and improve our live preview, so here’s a summary of the new stuff you can start using immediately!

Facebook Integration

Happy Checkout Facebook Module

Facebook Module

The Facebook widget for Happy Checkout has been updated to allow for more flexibility in what’s displayed. Previously, the Facebook widget would display your page’s name, like button, and posts. However, as Facebook has made some improvements to pages (such as Call to Actions), they’ve released a newer widget from their end that we can use to support this.

We’ve updated our Facebook widget to use this, and now you can opt to show you page banner, show avatars from some of your page’s friends or people who’ve liked it, show or hide posts on your Facebook page, and swap out your Call to Action for a general “Share” button if desired.

This gives you a much more flexible Facebook widget and a far better display on the thank you page.

Pinterest Integration

Happy Checkout Pinterest Module

Pinterest Module

We know Pinterest is hugely popular and it’s a great driver of high-value orders, so we’ve tried to make it easier for your customers to follow you and pin purchased items.

You can determine whether you want to use small or large “Pin it” buttons, along with the way the button looks. If you use the “round” button, you’ll use the circular Pinterest logo. If you use the default “Pin it!” button, you can select the color, along with whether to include the pinned count or not.

You can also add the “Follow” button so customers can follow you on Pinterest in addition to pinning purchases.

Twitter Integration

Happy Checkout Twitter Module

Twitter Module

We’re really happy with the improved Twitter integration, which just started using Twitter’s new Tweet and Follow buttons. You can now enable following and sharing a tweet separately, so you can only show a “Follow” button if desired.

You can still write up a suggested tweet for customers to share, and can change the tweet button size (along the the follow button size). Follow buttons can optionally include your Twitter handle and / or your follower count.

The new Twitter buttons are a vast design improvement as well, and will most likely blend in better with modern Shopify themes.

Overall Changes

The app’s “Live Preview” has gotten an update to pull real order data rather than trying to guess at the way the thank you page will look. Your preview will now pull in information from your shop’s last order, removing the need to view a “Live checkout” to get the full picture on what your changes will look like.

Happy Checkout App Live Preview

Updated Live Preview

As a result, we’ve made the live preview faster and more accurate so you can more easily see the changes you’re making to the thank you page.

Want to see what the full new thank you page looks like? You can click to enlarge this video of all modules (including details added under the “General” module) in action:

Happy Checkout Sample Thank You

Sample Thank You Page
(Click to enlarge)

Have any questions about the updated app? We’d be happy to answer them in the comments!

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