Sitting at the Intersection September 30, 2018 17:30

I sit at the intersection
The intersection of who I am and what I do
The intersection of a DNA given to me
The intersection of finding identity in the integration
of all the parts I am composed by
The Whisper is the call to continue sitting in that
The space between the spirit and the matter

In this space I get the chance to touch
And to be touched
I discover it through an untouchable me
The one who hides for fear
I disappeared in that untouched me
The Whisper came to stop tomorrows
And Work with what I have
In that intimate space the work started
The work of making the intersection
Between light and shadows



Fateme Banishoeib is a business heARTist and the founder of ReNEW Business, a collective creative laboratory that guides visionary leaders and organizations to transform business into inclusive, innovative communities. Fateme brings the heart and the mind of a polymath to organizational development: a trained chemist’s astute analytic capacity to manage complexity & high quality with a published poet’s human sensibility to inspire the human being at the center of any organization. Connect with her on her website, Facebook, or Twitter.